Completion of Kansas Assets Sale and NT Operation Update

The Company is pleased to advise shareholders that it has completed the sale of…

Closure of Unmarketable Parcel Sale Facility

The Company is pleased to announce the completion of the share sale facility…

Half Yearly Financial Report

The Company has today released the 2019 half-yearly report and accounts. See…

SEAOCC Darwin Presentation September 2019

The company has released its presentation for the 2019 SEAOCC Conference held…

Northern Territory Operations and Kansas Sale Update

The company is pleased to provide shareholders an update on its Northern…

Appendix 3Y

The Company has today released the following announcements: Appendix 3Y:…


The Company has today made the following announcements: Response to Appendix…

Unmarketable Parcel Share Sale Facility

The Company has today announced that it has established an Unmarketable Parcel…

Quarterly Cashflow and Reports.

The Company has today released the following announcements: Quarterly Cashflow…

Appendix 3Y and Appendix 3Z

The Company has today released the following announcements: Change of…